1.4 million euros to carry out actions to adapt to climate change in urban and peri-urban areas, on the Balearic Island

Apr 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The grants are aimed at local entities that must carry out innovative pilot actions to make urban and peri-urban areas more resilient.

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1.4 million euros to carry out actions to adapt to climate change

On Tuesday 4 April, the period for applying for grants worth 1,451,000 euros for actions to adapt to climate change in urban and peri-urban areas opened. The call for applications will remain open until 31 September 2023, and the actions to be carried out must be completed by 30 September 2026. Local entities can apply for the grants at the following link: http://canviclimatic.caib.es.

This call for applications aims to encourage the drafting and/or execution of projects that help to increase the resilience of urban and peri-urban spaces. Another aim is for this call to have a positive influence on economic activity related to the design, construction and maintenance of urban public spaces; a line of action that constitutes a basic pillar of the future Energy Transition and Climate Change Plan of the Balearic Islands. In addition, this aid is aimed at promoting the development of actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, carbon absorption and adaptation to climate change.

The 1.4 million lines will be used to enable municipalities to carry out innovative pilot actions and draft projects and technical reports in urban and peri-urban areas in the field of adaptation and mitigation in the fight against climate change.

Eligible actions

Projects, technical reports and/or plans, as well as the implementation of projects based on the application of nature-based solutions aimed at the prevention of risks associated with climate change in urban and peri-urban areas: risks due to high temperatures, risk of fires in urban and forest areas, floods, coastal phenomena, droughts, etc., are eligible for funding under this call for proposals.

Also those interventions in public spaces aimed at mitigating the urban heat island effect (natural or artificial shading of streets and squares, reduction of the impermeability of the land, rainwater harvesting, creation of microclimates with sheets of water, application of bioclimatic solutions, etc., and the opening of “climate shelters”, which are facilities that maintain appropriate temperatures, open to public use in periods of excessive heat or “green patios”, focused on the naturalisation and adaptation to climate change of school playgrounds in educational centres.

The Government considers that many public spaces need to be transformed to incorporate a climate perspective into their design. Therefore, this call arises from the need for all administrations to work on reducing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change at the local level.