1.4m authorised for Emergency Management for the contract for the 112 voice platform.

Apr 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ This involves the renewal and contracting of the maintenance and support of the technological platform.

\ The aim is to offer maximum guarantees of availability and minimise the probability of partial or total service failures.

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1.4m authorised for Emergency Management

The Consell de Govern has approved the authorisation and provision of the expenditure derived from the current multi-annual transfer file in the amount of 1,427,147.64 € in favour of Gestión de Emergencias de las Illes Balears, SAU, to guarantee the future financing of the expenditure file relating to the supply and maintenance contract for the SEIB 112 voice technology platform.

This is the renewal and contracting of the maintenance and support of the SEIB 112 voice technology platform for the period from June 2023 to June 2025.

The integrated emergency management system of the Balearic Islands (SEIB 112) receives the calls that citizens make to the single emergency telephone 112. For this reason, SEIB 112 is equipped with different equipment that allows it to deal with these incoming calls, as well as to make external calls for the coordination of emergency management. This equipment makes up the SEIB 112 voice platform. This platform is made up of different systems with complementary functions that enable the SEIB 112 functions to be carried out.

The main reason for carrying out the aforementioned contract is to be able to offer the maximum guarantees of availability of the SEIB 112 voice platform and to minimise the probability of partial or total service failures.

Thus, the Consell de Govern approves granting the Councillor of Presidency, Public Function and Equality the prior authorisation to exercise the competence in the matter of authorisation and disposition of the expenditure derived from the expenditure file in favour of the public company Gestión de Emergencias de las Illes Balears, SAU, with CIF A57325458, to process the multi-annual expenditure file that guarantees the future annual payments of the expenditure file relating to the contract for the supply and maintenance of the SEIB 112 voice technology platform, charged to the budget items for the financial year 2023 or those designated in the next budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.