This will make it possible to carry out more actions within the associative and municipal fabric.
Aid to promote the use of Catalan
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The Directorate General for Language Policy has opened a new call for applications for grants to promote the use of the Catalan language with a total allocation of 325,000 euros. This represents the consolidation of the 45% increase that took place in the 2022 call for applications.
The grants for the promotion of the use of the Catalan language are aimed at local councils and individuals and non-profit organisations that carry out actions to promote the use of the Catalan language. Thanks to the last call for applications, more than seventy activities were carried out throughout the archipelago.
The purpose of the grants is to disseminate and promote the social use of the Catalan language among the general population, both native and newcomers, of the Balearic Islands. The activities for which aid is requested must be carried out between 1 November 2022 and 31 October 2023.
Projects can be submitted for language volunteering, training activities for specific groups, leisure, promotion of linguistic integration and awareness-raising. The deadline for submitting applications is 26 April. The online procedure is available on the website
The Director General of Language Policy, Beatriu Defior, stressed the importance of these grants “to be able to deploy specific actions throughout the territory” and highlighted the increase in funding for this purpose.