More than 600 young people and 60 teachers have taken part in IBJove’s Cybermentors Meetings.

Apr 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Since 2016, more than 2,700 young people have been trained in techniques for responsible and safe use of the Internet.

Among the novelties, this year is how to deal with the irruption of GPT chat and other artificial intelligence.

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IBJove’s Cybermentors Meetings

More than 600 young students in compulsory secondary education and 60 teachers from 27 secondary schools in Mallorca and Eivissa have taken part in the fourth Cybermentor Meetings of the Balearic Islands. Organised by IBJove, which is part of the Department of Social Affairs and Sports, this year’s event was held over five training days at the Casa Esment in Son Ferriol.

These meetings aim to promote wise and responsible digital citizenship, to continue empowering cyber mentors in their task of promoting good use of new technologies, as well as the prevention and detection of cyberbullying or other inappropriate behaviours on the networks among their peers. During the meetings, through specific dynamics, the students from the different educational centres will begin to get to know each other and become aware that they are part of a large project, of a network and strengthen group bonds.

Among the novelties, this year is how to deal with the irruption of the GPT chat and other artificial intelligence.

The workshops that have been held are divided into two strands. On the one hand, those dedicated to the knowledge of new developments concerning ICTs: Digital identity, artificial intelligence, transhumanism and professions of the future by the Bit Foundation; #XarxaSegura, by IBSTEAM; and Escape Fake, by Neurona. On the other hand, the playful/reflective learning ones are Tasting Games, by Lila y los cuentos, Emotional Management and Coexistence with Theatre, by Gemarcomini, and Body Percussion, by Calle Manigua.

With a view to the next academic year, there are already 3 new institutes working to implement the Cibermentores programme.

The Cibermentores programme is an IBJOVE initiative which, since it was launched eight years ago, has trained more than 2,700 young people in techniques for responsible and safe use of the Internet. These young people, at the same time, train their schoolmates in this subject.