Eleven new Wi-Fi hotspots in Menorca

May 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Tourism Sustainability Plan Menorca Reserva de Biosfera – Tourism 0CO2 launches the installation of Wi-Fi points in eleven key locations

The Menorca Biosphere Reserve Tourism Sustainability Plan – 0CO2 Tourism is installing and commissioning eleven communication devices, with the aim of providing Wi-Fi signal in locations in Menorca where there is no good coverage and guaranteeing good communication in case of need.

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Wi-Fi hotspots in Menorca

Thus, Infotelecom Networks, responsible for the WiMax network owned by the Consell Insular de Menorca, is the company in charge of installing the communication equipment and autonomous power supply systems in the different locations:

Talaiot de Trepucó
Fort de Marlborough
Galmés Tower
Son Catlar archaeological site
Fornells Tower
Naveta des Tudons
Es Torretó holiday camp
Santa Eularieta settlement house
Tower of Son Ganxo
Biniparratx campsite

The objective of this action responds to the need to strengthen Menorca’s strategic positioning as a tourist destination, in particular, and as a territory, in general, by providing it with attractive tourist facilities and services to diversify the tourist offer and, in case of need or emergency, to guarantee good and efficient communication from these locations.

The Plan and the managing body

Managed by the Tourism Promotion and European Funds Service, the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Tourism Sustainability Plan – 0CO2 Tourism is an initiative financed by the Secretary of State for Tourism, the Balearic Islands Tourism Strategy Agency (Aetib) and the Consell Insular de Menorca (Island Council of Menorca). The project has a total budget of almost 3 million euros and is structured into three main areas of action: sky, sea and land tourism, as well as two cross-cutting areas of promotion and training. In addition, there is a specific block focused on environmental certifications that support the positioning of Menorca as a sustainable tourist destination and another dedicated to technological development focused on improving the tourist experience, in which, specifically, this initiative is framed.