The Consell de Mallorca publishes a fold-out map with 20 cultural hiking routes in the Serra de Tramuntana

May 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Editorial Alpina, a specialist in hiking and mountain cartography, has advised on the publication.

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Serra de Tramuntana

The Consell de Mallorca, through the Serra de Tramuntana World Heritage Consortium, has published a topographical map of the Serra de Tramuntana at a scale of 1:50,000 with 20 signposted itineraries. These are proposals for hiking and heritage discovery in the 20 municipalities that make up the Serra de Tramuntana and coincide with those described in the book ‘Rutas culturales, pueblo a pueblo’ (Cultural routes, village by village), also published by the Consortium in 2019.

The map was produced and designed by Editorial Alpina, a company specialising in hiking publications. 3,000 copies have been printed and will be distributed free of charge among the municipalities of the Serra de Tramuntana.

The map has two sides, one of the northern area and the other of the southern area of the Serra de Tramuntana. Heritage elements (rock castles, lime kilns, hydraulic systems, margins, snow houses, possessions, silos and watchtowers), public transport and refuges are all marked. The map also shows the delimitation of the World Heritage Site, the GR trails and the main tracks.

The 20 routes are an invitation to discover and explore the ethnological elements that made it possible for the Serra de Tramuntana to be declared a World Heritage Site. They range from nooks and crannies that conceal hydraulic systems or snow houses to more visible and visited areas such as the castle of Alaró or the viewpoints of Son Marroig.

Each of the routes indicates the level of difficulty, estimated time, distance and whether it is circular or round trip. In addition, all of them have a QR that leads to the official website of the Consortium from which you can download the track of the route in GPX format. The 20 routes marked on the new map of cultural hiking in the Serra de Tramuntana are as follows:

  • Andratx. S’Arracó – La Trapa – Ses Basses – s’Arracó.
  • Calvià. Es Capdellà – Galatzó – Naveta de ses Sínias – Es Capdellà.
  • Palma. Establecimientos Viejo – Sarrià – Buñolino – Establecimiento Viejo.
  • Puigpunyent – Sa Esclusa – Son Fortesa – Puigpunyent
  • Estellencs – Port of Estellencs – Estellencs
  • Banyalbufar – es Rafal – Planícia – Aljibe des Cristianos – Banyalbufar
  • Esporlas. Sa Granja – Coll des Pi – Banyalbufar
  • Alaró – Son Penyaflor – Castle – Pla des Pouet Es Verger – Alaró
  • Valldemossa – Can Costa – Ermita de la Trinidad – Valldemossa
  • Deià – Cala Deià – Torre de sa Pedrissa – Deià
  • Buñola – Raja – Alfabia
  • Santa María – Son Torrella – Son Pou – Santa María
  • Lloseta – Son Ordines – Tossals verdes – Lloseta
  • Sóller – Can Jeroni Gros – Can Prohom – Sóller
  • Fornalutx – Binibassí – Biniaraix – Font de s’Alqueria – Fornalutx
  • Bark. Lluc – Snow house of Son Macip – Snow house of Galieu – Lluc
  • Mancor del Valle – Oratorio de Santa Lucía – Biniarroi – Mancor
  • Selva – Moscari – Binibona – Caimari – Selva
  • Campanet – Iglesia San Miguel – Fondo Ufanes – Campanet
  • Pollença – El Calvario – Puig de Maria – Pollença