Environment removes more than 91 tonnes of waste from 236 coastal areas of environmental relevance in the Balearic Islands

May 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director General of Waste and Environmental Education, explained this Tuesday the project “Improving the quality of coastal areas of environmental relevance with people at risk of exclusion”, funded through the Sustainable Tourism Tax. During the months it has been running, 91,188.62 kilograms have been collected in 236 locations throughout the Balearic Islands.

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Environment removes more than 91 tonnes of waste

Sansó expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained, “as they have made it possible to keep natural spaces free of waste and to fulfil one of the objectives of the Sustainable Tourism Tax, which is to reduce the impact of tourism on our territory from a social and environmental perspective”.

It should be remembered that this project has a budget of one and a half million euros and aims to improve the environmental quality of beaches, coves, natural coastal habitats and the species that occupy them by cleaning, maintaining and improving sites located in areas of natural importance, such as the Natura 2000 network or protected natural areas.

By islands, on Mallorca, sixteen people at risk of social exclusion have so far collected 40,984.02 kilograms of waste. By materials, the most collected was plastic (7,730.2 kg.), followed by waste (7,153.6 kg.) and wood (6,680.8 kg.). Other materials that have been counted were iron (2,865.3 kg.), glass (2,432.6 kg.), packaging (2,060.3 kg.), textiles (1,432 kg.) and paper and cardboard (588.9 kg.) In addition, 10,040.34 kg. of invasive species have been removed.

In Eivissa and Formentera, the total waste collected by the eight people who worked in 72 spaces was 26,295.2 kg. Most was waste (6,939.9 kg.), followed by wood (6,136.9 kg.) and packaging (2,785.8 kg.). Also collected were 2,722.4 kg. of iron; 2,313.9 kg. of glass; 1,488.1 kg. of plastic; 706.7 kg. of textiles and 421.6 kg. of paper and cardboard. In addition, 2,780 kg. of invasive species have been eliminated.

In Menorca, the four people in charge of cleaning 54 coastal areas removed 23,909.4 kg. of waste. By materials, the most removed was wood (4,428.8 kg.), plastic (2,905.6 kg.) and waste (1,853.5 kg.). Also removed were 436.4 kg. of packaging; 147.2 kg. of glass; 82.6 kg. of iron; 9 kg. of textiles and 0.3 kg. of paper and cardboard. In addition, 14,046 kg. of invasive species have been eliminated.

On the other hand, since the end of January of this year, we have also been quantifying the litter found. So far, 43,267 have been collected: 20,848 in Mallorca; 22,174 in the Pitiüses and 245 in Menorca.