More than 100 organisations and companies receive aid from the Consell to promote the Catalan language

May 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Mallorca, through the Insular Direction of Linguistic Policy, grants 107 entities and companies the subsidy to promote the use of the Catalan language. In total, the island institution has allocated 345,000 euros.

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Promote the Catalan language

On the one hand, 74 companies have benefited from this aid, including Agromart Balear, Gram Sostenibilidad, Can Majoral, Sociedad Cooperativa de Enseñanza Es Lledoner, Vinos Galmés y Ribot and Tremola Espectáculos, which have received the maximum amount of 6,000 euros. In total, the Insular Directorate has invested 245,000 euros in this call aimed at companies.

On the other hand, the Consell has granted subsidies to 33 non-profit organisations, including the Girasol mental health association, the Sóller Botanical Garden Foundation – Balearic Museum of Natural Sciences, the Balearic Islands Media and Communication Association (AMIC Illes Balears) and Obra Cultural Balear. In total, the island institution has earmarked 100,000 euros in the call for entities.

The eligible actions were: signage in Catalan for both establishments and vehicles; labelling in Catalan; the publication in Catalan of printed material on paper; merchandising; the creation of websites, Internet portals, QR codes, mobile applications and all kinds of online platforms where Catalan is the vehicular language.

The Island Directorate announces these grants with a twofold objective. Firstly, to increase the presence of Catalan in the linguistic landscape formed by both companies and entities. But it also aims to guarantee the right of people and consumers to enjoy an environment in which the ambient presence of Catalan invites people to use the language normally; the right to receive general information in Catalan, and the right to receive in Catalan all other documents related not only to entities, but also to the commercial sphere.