The future nature park of the Ponente coast will incorporate 417 hectares more

May 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On Thursday, the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) published the resolution of the Minister of the Environment and Territory, which extends the initial proposal for the future Ponent Coast Nature Park on the island of Mallorca, with the incorporation of the land included in the Natural Areas of Special Interest (ANEIs) of Cap Andritxol and Cap des Llamp, within the municipalities of Andratx and Calvià.

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Nature Park of the Ponente Coast

Thus, 417 hectares will be added to the 6,923 hectares of the initial proposal. The two new areas will therefore be included in the regime of precautionary protection while a new phase of public participation begins in the procedure for drawing up the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN) of the future Natural Park.

In this way, the Regional Ministry responds to a petition, in the same sense, approved in the plenary session of the Andratx Town Council on March 30th, which coincides with an identical petition by the GOB (Government of Andratx) during the participatory process initiated on February 15th, when the resolution to initiate the procedure for the declaration of the Natural Park was published.

This resolution will once again go through the process of prior public participation, which will be published on the Government’s transparency website.

It should be remembered that the future Natural Park will have, with this extension, 1,500 hectares of land area and 5,840 hectares of marine area.

The objectives of the declaration of the Natural Park include improving the environmental conditions of the natural space and the conservation of biodiversity, with the adoption of measures aimed at maintaining and restoring the ecological processes associated with the preservation of genetic diversity; promoting the orderly use of natural and cultural resources; and organising public use in such a way as to allow cultural, educational and recreational enjoyment of the space without compromising its conservation.