Sílvia Rigo Marí wins the prize for the Best Story of the Balearic Islands and comes second in the joint final of the 15th edition of AMIC-Ficcions.

May 27, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

437 secondary school and vocational training students from all over the archipelago took part.

The AMIC-Ficcions literary competition aimed at students in the 3rd and 4th year of ESO, baccalaureate and intermediate vocational training, has announced the winners of this year’s edition. The competition is organised by the Associació de Mitjans en Català (AMIC) with the participation of the Catalan government’s Directorate General for Language Policy.

Sílvia Rigo Marí

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The competition is held in all Catalan-speaking territories and, in this year’s edition, 5,341 students have registered. This figure represents an increase of almost a thousand students compared to the previous edition.

Of the 437 participants from the Balearic Islands, including 201 from Mallorca, the story by Sílvia Rigo Marí, from the IES Mossèn Alcover secondary school in Manacor, was awarded the prize for the Best of the Balearic Islands and the Best Story of Mallorca in the 15th edition of the AMIC-Ficcions literary competition. The story also came in second place in terms of the Catalan-speaking territories as a whole.

The jury considered that the story entitled La dansa del gel i l’aura deserved first place in the Balearic Islands for “the exceptional originality of an impeccably written and narrated fantasy story, which draws you in from the beginning through the hidden history of the death of a brother, with a bastard son, who does not accept the matriarch and all the truths behind a family. The author manages to entice and surprise the reader with a perfectly executed and surprising narrative”.

The winning story competed between the Best Story of Menorca and the Best Story of Eivissa. The second Best Story of the Balearic Islands went to Enric Pérez Massanet, from the IES Maria Àngels Cardona Secondary School in Ciutadella, winner of the Best Story of Menorca, with the story L’home del prat. The jury considered that “this story goes a step beyond the classics. It maintains the tension from the beginning to the last line and achieves an almost three-dimensional cinematographic atmosphere. It plays with precision with the situations experienced by the protagonists and fills them with adventures, epic moments, poems and songs. we highlight the originality and freshness of the text”.

Finally, the Third Best Story of the Balearic Islands went to Korana Tomasevic, from the Col-legi Mestral in Eivissa, winner of the Best Story of Eivissa, with the story entitled Entre la mort i la vida, for “an incredible story perfectly written, which lets you feel and enter fully into the emotions of a boy who leaves home where his brother is ill and is redeemed by the church. A full immersion into the sins that govern us such as guilt and selfishness, and how faith can save you or not”.

All the stories can be read on the website amicficcions.cat.http://amicficcions.cat.