Palma’s Passeig del Born is hosting the 41st edition of the Book Fair for ten days, in the Balearic Islands

May 28, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Department of Culture, Heritage and Language Policy / Press and Communication
The writer Ramon Bassa has been entrusted with the traditional opening address

Palma’s Passeig del Born

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The President of the Council, Catalina Cladera, and the Vice President and Minister of Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy, Bel Busquets, took part in the opening of the 41st edition of the Book Fair. The fair, organised by the Booksellers’ Guild of Mallorca and with the financial support of the Consell, brings together 22 bookshops in Palma and will last until the 4th of June.

The opening speech was given by Ramon Bassa, professor emeritus of Didactics of Language Skills at the UIB and author of the collection Poco a poco a poco (Little by Little).

Throughout these ten days, the fair offers an extensive programme of activities that includes presentations of new publications, signings with authors, workshops, storytelling, poetry and erotic storytelling recitals, concerts and a tribute to two leading authors of Mallorcan literature: Maria Antònia Oliver and Antoni Serra.