The Consell extends aid for youth emancipation in the Balearic Islands

May 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Portada, Post, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Executive Council approved an increase of 650,000 euros in aid promoted by the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development.

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Aids aimed at youth emancipation

The Councillor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Jaume Alzamora, has reported that the Executive Council has approved increasing the amount of money to promote youth emancipation.

A further 650,000 euros will now be added to the initial amount of one million euros. The extension coincides with the start of the payment of aid to the first 833 beneficiaries of the first batch of the Bono de Emancipación (Emancipation Voucher).

This aid is managed by the Servicio Insular de Juventud (part of Alzamora’s department) and has been conceived with the intention of easing the burden of starting a personal life project for the youngest members of the population.

The aid is intended to mitigate one of the main causes of youth exclusion, namely the pressure of excessive housing costs, by means of an income of up to €1,200 (€100/month) to cover current expenses.