Visit by secondary school guidance counsellors from Menorca to get to know the leather sector

May 29, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

For the first time in the Balearic Islands, a vocational training cycle in the Textile, clothing and leather family is being taught.

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Visit by secondary school guidance counsellors

The secondary school counsellors of Menorca have participated in a day to learn more about the leather sector related to the basic vocational qualification in repair and repair of textile and leather articles that will be taught for the first time in the Balearic Islands in the course 2023/24.

The day consisted of a visit to the company Homers and the company 21 botons. They also visited the training cycles of the IES Josep Maria Quadrado. This initiative has been organised by the Academic and Vocational Guidance Point (POAP) of Menorca following the meeting held on 5 May with representatives of the Association of Auxiliary Footwear Industries on the island to discuss the implementation of the basic grade training cycle of Repair and repair of textile and leather goods, which will be taught at the IES Josep Maria Quadrado in the academic year 2023/24. This cycle involves the incorporation of a new training family that had never been taught in the Balearic Islands, the professional family of Textile, clothing and leather.

The new training has been introduced as a result of a request from the productive fabric, which has informed the Government of the need for qualified workers. The training proposal begins with the implementation of the basic vocational training cycle, which, with the new regulations in force, can be complemented with parallel flexible training. For the leather sector, it is important to make these visits so that secondary school guidance counsellors are well acquainted with this family and can properly disseminate the offer. The conference has been planned taking advantage of the fact that in Menorca the factories are small and it is easy to see from the first to the last phase of the manufacturing process of a shoe.

In the 2023-24 academic year, Menorca will have 2 new cycles: the aforementioned basic grade of Repair and repair of textile and leather articles and the higher grade of Marketing and advertising, at the IES Josep Miquel i Guàrdia (Alaior).

The creation of the new training offer is financed by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and by the European Union-NextGenerationEU, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan Mechanism and the REACT-EU Fund, in the framework of the European Social Fund Operational Programme 2014-2020 of the Balearic Islands.