Inca reaffirms its commitment to the city’s business network

May 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The City Council has signed new collaboration agreements with Empenta Business Network, the Association of Traders and Restaurateurs of Inca and Actívate Inca Business Association.

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City’s business network
  • The aim of this initiative is to consolidate the IncaBusiness project to help improve the skills of Inca self-employed and entrepreneurs and promote employment and business creation.

The Inca City Council, together with the Inca traders’ associations, have taken another step to consolidate the IncaBusiness project, which has reached its eleventh edition since it was launched in September 2017. In this way, the Inca council has signed three new collaboration agreements with Empenta Red de Negocios, the Association of Traders and Restaurateurs of Inca and the Activa’t Inca Business Association.
“The aim is to continue promoting and consolidating the associative, commercial and business fabric of the city. In short, to continue to make Inca a neuralgic city, not only geographically, but also on an economic scale,” says Maria José Fernández, councillor for ‘Innovation and Enterprise of the City Council of Inca.

With the signing of the three agreements, both parties – the City Council and the entities – undertake to promote and publicly disseminate the activities framed within the IncaBusiness project through their usual communication channels, as well as to contribute ideas and improvements.

“From our city council we work resolutely to expand the entrepreneurial culture and support the creation and consolidation of new business projects in the city, with the aim of promoting employment and the creation of quality companies with a sense of future”, concludes Virgilio Moreno. concludes Virgilio Moreno, Mayor of Inca.

Thus, within the framework of IncaBusiness, the City Council of Inca, on its own or in collaboration with different institutions or companies, develops the capital of Inca an extensive training programme to improve the skills of the business fabric of Inca. The aim of the workshops, courses and conferences is to broaden knowledge and learn about trends, legal and fiscal aspects and tools to improve management.