The Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering will be introduced in Menorca and Ibiza.

May 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The 3.7 million euros will be allocated on a multi-annual basis.

\ It will make it possible to meet the current demand on these two islands.

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A degree in Computer Engineering will be introduced in Menorca and Ibiza.

The acting Consell de Govern has authorised an extraordinary contribution to the Universitat de les Illes Balears to cover the implementation of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the UIB’s Menorca and Ibiza campuses, for a maximum amount of 3,779,729.64 euros over the 2023-2027 multi-year period.

The implementation of the degree in Computer Engineering at the Menorca and Ibiza campuses aims to expand the academic offer at the campuses on these islands from an existing degree in Mallorca.

The proposal is based on the fact that this is a degree with multiple professional opportunities, with substantial demand on all the islands, and that the numerous clauses currently in place mean that there is greater demand than enrolment possibilities.

In this sense, it is a question of extending studies that will allow for greater training of professionals in a degree that is in high demand in society, while at the same time providing equal access to the island territory. The numerus clausus set for the two islands is 30 places, 15 of which correspond to Menorca and 15 to Ibiza.

Depending on the demand forecast and the cost analysis involved, implementation will be based on the creation of a specific group to teach in Menorca and Ibiza. This group will allow for differentiated education, adapted to the teaching schedules of the different islands and attending to the specific needs of each one, without implying an unaffordable cost.

It should be noted that in the recent study carried out by the Economic and Social Council of the Balearic Islands (CES) Socio-economic needs for the introduction of new degrees at the University of the Balearic Islands. A strategic proposal, the degree in Computer Engineering at the Menorca and Ibiza campuses was identified as one of the courses that have not yet been introduced and which are most in demand by students in the Balearic Islands.