The IMAS opens the call for grants aimed at associations and social entities of Mallorca with a budget of 516,000 euros

May 30, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The deadline for applications begins this Monday and ends on the 16th of June.

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The associations and entities of the Third Social Sector of Mallorca will be able to request from tomorrow, Monday, the economic aid summoned by the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS) destined to finance activities or projects developed from the 1st of January until the 31st of December of 2022.

Each applicant organisation may present a single project with a budget of no more than 60,000 euros, and up to 40,000 euros will be eligible for subsidies. This aid package includes activities of a preventive nature, information, care and social, psychological and emotional support for people affected by situations that generate vulnerability, dependence, risk of isolation, discrimination, marginalisation and social exclusion. Projects for the insertion, rehabilitation and socio-labour integration of people and/or groups with social difficulties, the most disadvantaged and/or socially excluded, as well as actions that complement IMAS assistance, insertion and social reinsertion programmes, may also benefit.

The application process is telematic through the Electronic Headquarters of the Consell de Mallorca or the electronic registry of the IMAS and the deadline for submission will open tomorrow, Monday, and will remain active until June 16.

The entities and associations that apply for these grants must meet a series of requirements, such as being non-profit making, being legally constituted, having their registered office in Mallorca and being registered in the Unified Registry of Social Services of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

The total amount allocated to the call for applications is 516,000 euros and, in order to provide information regarding the management of applications, the e-mail address of the Secció de Recursos Sociolaborals de l’IMAS has been set up.