Inca fights against the dumping of rubbish in nature

May 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The town council of the capital of the Raiguer region is organising a joint waste collection to put an end to littering, within the framework of the LIBERA project of SEO/BirdLife in alliance with Ecoembes.

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Fights against the dumping of rubbish in nature

For yet another year, Inca Town Council is joining the “1m2 against litter” campaign, and on 3 June a joint litter pick has been organised on the old Selva road. In this way, the inquers and the inqueras will come together next Saturday to demonstrate, once again, their commitment to the environment and care for the natural surroundings.

This initiative is part of the LIBERA project of SEO/BirdLife in alliance with Ecoembes, which every year promotes a large collaborative collection of waste in different parts of Spain to free our spaces from litter. The aim of this project is to promote collaboration to clean up nature.

“The Inca Town Council is joining this movement to put an end to litter with the intention of raising public awareness of the impact of dumping manure in nature and to raise awareness of the importance of separating waste correctly and depositing it in the correct container,” explains the councillor for services, María del Carmen Oses.

Anyone who would like to join in and take part in this joint manure collection can sign up at the following link: