The Tax Agency creates a “Virtual Assistant” for Income Tax to reinforce assistance in the preparation of the tax return.

May 31, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The ‘Le Llamamos’ plan began on 5 May, with appointments available from 3 May, maintaining a capacity that last year allowed more than one million returns to be filed with this personalised telephone assistance system.

Tax Agency

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This year, a whole range of improvements have been incorporated into ‘Renta Web’ to make browsing more convenient and stream

The elderly have access to specific information material on the help services in the Income Tax Campaign and the Personal Income Tax regulations that affect them, in compliance with the collaboration protocol on assistance signed with the Platform for the Elderly and Pensioners.

The main new features of this campaign are the incorporation of the ‘Virtual Income Tax Assistant’, which will complement the current Income Tax ‘Informer’ to resolve the main doubts of taxpayers when preparing their tax returns, and the implementation of a series of improvements in ‘Renta Web’ to make browsing more convenient and agile.

It is expected that 22,899,000 tax returns will be filed during the campaign that is now beginning, 3.4% more than last year. Of this total

13,600,000 are expected to be entitled to a refund, 60% of the total, for an estimated amount of 9,946 million euros. Taxpayers with tax returns to be paid (7,649,000 are expected, for an estimated amount of 16.448 million euros), as is the case every year, will not make the first payments until the end of the campaign.

Campaign calendar

The filing deadline will end on 30 June for both returns to be paid in and returns to be refunded, although the deadline for returns to be paid in by direct debit will end on 27 June.

Thanks to this anticipation of services, more than 1,300,000 taxpayers have already accessed their tax data, and more than 1,200,000 have obtained the reference number for the management and filing of their tax return, so that they have had the opportunity to prepare themselves in time to be able, if they wish, to file their return from the first day through

Renta Web’, thus also speeding up any refunds they may be entitled to.

The telephone service for the preparation and filing of returns (‘Le Llamamos’ plan) began on 5 May, with appointments available from 3 May, and the in-person service in offices begins on 1 June, with appointments available from 25 May. Personalised attention, by telephone and in offices, will continue to be supported by the Autonomous Regions and local councils.

This year, the main assistance services will continue to be available in advance (obtaining the reference number for filing the tax return from 8 March and from 8 June).

filing from 8 March and from 15 March both the downloading and viewing of tax data and the updating of the ‘app’ for the campaign).