Two Teatre Principal productions, Tanatologia and Altres formes, will be staged at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya for the season.

Jun 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The benchmark Catalan public theatre has presented its programme

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Teatre Principal

Palma’s Teatre Principal will be present in the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya’s new season programme with Xavier Uriz’s Tanatologia, its own production, and Altres formes, by Miquel Àngel Raió, a co-production with the company L’Aviador and Vània Productions.

Altres formes will be performed at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya from 14 to 17 December. Written and directed by Miquel Àngel Raió, it tells the story of a family that suffers gender violence at the hands of the father and of life in an environment of poverty, with the protagonist being a daughter who is transitioning from adolescence to maturity. It is performed by Conchi Almeda, Fenda Drame, Àstrid Janer, Albert Mèlich and Tura Torras. It premiered at Palma’s Teatre Principal on the 19th of March 2022.

In early 2024, from the 1st to the 4th of February, Tanatologia, by Xavier Uriz and directed by Carlota Ferrer, will be performed at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. Tanatologia is a dense reflection on existence through a dystopian story that tells how, in the near future, suicides are increasing to the point of becoming a pandemic. To combat the situation, the government creates the National Division of Psychotanatologists, experts in deciding who can and cannot commit suicide. Tanatologia, which won the X Premi Llorenç Moyà de Teatre de Binissalem, is a play about suicide, identity and memory, a careful reflection on life and death. It is performed by Miquel Aguiló, Caterina Alorda, Xavi Frau, Núria Sbert, Xisco Segura, Eli Tulián and Aina Zanoguera. It premiered at Palma’s Teatre Principal on the 13th of February 2022.