The Directorate General for Culture publishes the line of aid for the projection abroad of the intangible cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands

Jun 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of European Funds, University and Culture, through the Directorate General of Culture, has published in the BOIB a call for grants to support mobility in the external projection of activities and projects that promote the different manifestations of the intangible cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands. The sum is 35,000 euros.

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The line of aid for the projection abroad

The grants are intended to support the mobility of people who are part of non-profit organisations, such as associations, foundations or cooperatives, and groups of individuals or legal entities without legal personality in the field of intangible cultural heritage in the projection abroad to carry out activities, actions and projects; to attend fairs, festivals, popular and traditional markets, professional conferences, presentations, exhibitions, meetings, symposiums, congresses; to participate in training stays or cultural residencies.

The bearers of the elements of intangible cultural heritage are the communities, groups and individuals who know it, maintain it and pass it on (crafts: artisans, margers, makers of traditional instruments…; literature: storytellers, glosats…; theatre; music: musical groups…). ; theatre; music: musical groups -xeremiers, popular dance groups…; traditional dance: folk groups, ball de bot schools…; festivals: colles geganteres, colles de dimonis, colles castelleres…; figure dances: cossiers, cavallets…; health; onomastics; traditional games and sports; traditional cuisine…).

Non-profit organisations, such as associations, foundations or cooperatives, and groups of natural or legal persons without legal personality who carry out the subsidised activity or who represent them, may be beneficiaries of the mobility grant, provided that the purpose of the grant is publicise, encourage, disseminate and promote the intangible cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands or its bearers and their work, outside their island of residence.

The eligibility period runs from 16 November 2022 to 31 October 2023, while the deadline for submitting applications will be open from 6 June.

The maximum annual amount that can be granted per application is 6,000 euros and each of the applicant organisations or groups may receive support for 3 activities.

The opening of this line of subsidies complies with Law 18/2019, of 8 April, on safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands, which was published on 13 April 2019. The aforementioned law aims to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of the Balearic Islands, make it known, promote and disseminate it, as well as carry out any other measure that guarantees its viability.

The bases of the subsidies can be consulted at this link: