The enrolment data for May exceeded 601,000 persons, a new record high and an increase of 34,700 in enrolment with respect to 2022.

Jun 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Unemployment in May stood at 28,800, 7,400 fewer than a year ago and a year-on-year fall of 20.4%.

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The enrolment data for May

The administrative unemployment rate is the lowest for the month of May: 4.8%.

The number of people registered in the Balearic Islands in April was 601,291, for the first time above 600,000, an increase of 6.1% compared to a year ago and a new record in the historical statistical series for this period. This is one of the main figures presented today by the Councillor for Economic Model, Tourism and Employment, Iago Negueruela, who explained the evolution of the labour market in May, together with the Director General of Economic Model and Employment, Llorenç Pou.

This figure for enrolment means that, for the nineteenth consecutive month, the Islands have reached record highs in employment. Compared with April, the Islands also performed better in enrolment than Spain as a whole. In fact, the Balearic Islands recorded 34,709 more enrolled workers than the previous month, up 6.1%. In Spain, the increase in enrolment was 2.8% over the previous month. One out of every 4 new jobs was created in the Balearic Islands last month.

131,000 permanent and discontinuous workers

On the other hand, and with data for the month of April, the Islands registered 131,234 permanent discontinuous workers. This figure is a maximum for the month of April, with more than 20,000 more workers than in April 2022, which was already an all-time high. This is a qualitative leap that has reflected a strong impact of the new labour reform. In relation to 2019, the number of discontinuous permanent workers was 73,407 people, 60,000 less than in 2023.

Likewise, in April, 77% of new contracts were permanent, compared to 46% in Spain. The number of permanent workers was at an all-time high in April (382,369), 123,000 more than in 2019.

However, the rate of temporary employment is the lowest on record, at 9.4%.

Unemployment, below 30,000 people

The number of unemployed people in the Balearic Islands stood at 28,800 people, the lowest figure since 2002. The year-on-year fall represents a decrease of 20.4%, the sharpest in Spain as a whole.

Unemployment also fell with respect to April in the Islands. In this sense, the Balearic Islands had 2,211 fewer unemployed people in March, a 7.3% decrease; in Spain, on the other hand, unemployment fell by 1.7% compared to April.

All this means that the administrative unemployment rate for the month of April in the Balearic Islands stands at 4.6%, the best administrative unemployment rate in the entire history of the month of May in the Balearic Islands and almost half the national average (11.6%).