The textile reuse project promoted by the Environment wins the special prize of the European Week for Waste Prevention in the Balearic Islands.

Jun 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The main objective is to reduce the generation of this type of waste and seek new ways of recycling it

The textile reuse project

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The acting director general of Waste and Environmental Education, Sebastià Sansó, has received the special European prize from the EWWR Awards for the “Eurotèxtil-circular” project promoted by the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory.

The main objective of this initiative is to connect all the actors in the textile sector and seek new ways of reuse and recycling in a scenario marked by three key aspects: changes in the quality of textiles as a result of the fast fashion model, which affect their reuse and recycling; the obligation of the administrations to collect textile waste in a differentiated manner and the effects of the pandemic caused by the COVID in the field of textile waste management.

Sansó welcomed the European recognition. “It is the main distinction awarded in the field of waste prevention and recognises the task undertaken, in a collaborative manner, between institutions and the sector in order to meet the reuse objectives set out in both the Balearic waste law and the various European directives”.

The project was proposed by the Directorate General for Waste and Environmental Education as a result of a transversal and exceptional call for proposals from the Euroregion’s COVID aid fund, in 2020, with the aim of analysing and seeking new lines of work in the textile reuse and recycling sector. In total, 70,000 euros have been allocated from this fund. Through third-sector entities, in the case of the Balearic Islands it has been Deixalles, the various actions have been developed.

The initiative was presented during the last European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), last November, under the slogan “Circular and sustainable fashion. Waste is old-fashioned!”. Actions related to the theme of fashion were carried out with workshops at the Dijous Bo fair and in schools, and information and awareness-raising points were set up in different town halls.

Finally, a joint action was carried out in public spaces in Catalonia, Occitania and the Balearic Islands that were occupied by mountains of clothes with the aim of raising public awareness of the problem of textile waste.

A promotional video of the project and dissemination of the actions carried out during the EWWR was also produced, as well as the design of a map of the main actors in the textile sector at European level, from producers to waste managers, which can be consulted at the following link: