Inca mobilises against littering

Jun 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Some twenty volunteers took part this Saturday in a joint rubbish collection on the old Selva road.
In total, more than 130 kilograms of waste were removed.


For the third consecutive year, this weekend the Inca Town Council has joined the waste collection campaign “1m2 against litter” of the ‘Libera’ Project, organised by SEO/Birdlife in collaboration with Ecoembes. This action has been carried out simultaneously in different parts of Spain.

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In this way, around twenty volunteers joined forces this morning to collect the waste dumped in the area of the old Selva road, thus freeing nature from the manure that other people threw away and did not remove. Specifically, 130 kilograms of waste were removed: 40 kilograms of packaging, 30 kilograms of glass, 15 kilograms of waste, 3 kilograms of paper and cardboard, and more than 50 kilograms of bulky waste.

“I would like to thank all those who have selflessly participated in this activity and helped to collect waste from this area. In recent years, the Town Council has worked hard to promote selective waste collection and recycling with great results, thanks to the collaboration and involvement of everyone,” said the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

For her part, the councillor for Services, María del Carmen Oses, stresses that “the purpose of this action is to raise awareness among citizens of the impact of waste dumping on nature and to raise awareness among the population of the importance of separating waste correctly and depositing it in the correct container”.