The Consell de Eivissa organises a conference on tourism and plastic waste to commemorate Environment Day

Jun 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day, the Department of Presidency and Environmental Management of the Consell Insular de Eivissa has organised a conference on tourism and plastic waste in the plenary hall of the Consell next Monday, June 5th between 17.30 and 20.00 h.

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Environment Day

A conference on tourism and plastic waste
The conference aimed at all citizens and mainly the tourism sector and stakeholders aims to highlight the information available on the environmental impacts caused by plastic throughout its life cycle compared to the use of other alternative materials and propose more sustainable actions that can be carried out and criteria for decision-making.

The day will begin with an introduction to the role of the tourism sector in plastic waste pollution by Inmaculada Saranova, director of Ibiza Preservation, and a presentation of the United Nations Global Initiative on Tourism and Plastics by Ayelén Alonso, coordinator of Plastic Free Ibiza and Formentera.

Samuel Pinya, a researcher and lecturer in the UIB’s Department of Ecology, will continue the day’s proceedings with a talk entitled “Plastic pollution in the Balearic Sea”, in which he will describe the current state of affairs and the ecological and health consequences of the decomposition of plastic waste into microplastics that end up in the marine environment, which, according to studies, account for 92% of the waste in the waters of the Balearic Islands.

The conference continued with an analysis of the life cycle and alternatives to single-use plastic in the tourism sector and Plastic Free Balearics certification, led by Inés Roig, head of Plastic Free Balearics certification in Eivissa Formentera. A tool with proposals available to companies in the HORECA sector to ensure the reduction of plastic waste and its circularity in the economy through the recovery and recycling of materials.

The day will end with the participation of the Vibra Hotels chain, which will present a pioneering initiative it has carried out in collaboration with the APFEM Aktua association and the support of the Environmental Management Department of the Eivissa Island Council, consisting of the separation and reduction of waste generated in hotel rooms, in addition to carrying out specific actions for the prevention and reduction of plastic waste, by Roberto González, head of PRL and coordinator of the Sustainability and Good Governance Area of Vibra Hotels.