The documents of the Historical Archives of Maó will come to life to celebrate International Archives Day

Jun 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In 2007, the International Council on Archives established 9 June as International Archives Day.

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International Archives Day

From the Historical Archive of Maó, we want to take advantage of this celebration to vindicate the unique value of archives, which are made up of documents produced by human activity and are evidence of past events.

Furthermore, archives ensure the democratic functioning of societies, the identity of individuals and communities and the defence of human rights.


For all these reasons, this year we want to celebrate this day with Beta Teatre, which will dramatise the exhibition ‘Women in the Historical Archive of Maó’, an exhibition that opened on 8 March, in which a selection of documents from the Archive featuring women can be seen.

This activity will offer us a moment of immersion in the history of Menorcan women, through the representation of the scenes described in the documents that make up the exhibition.

Afterwards, Joan Soler, director of the Historical Archive of Terrassa, will open the door to knowledge and explain the use of archives for citizens with the conference entitled ‘Tots som anxious! Heritage, memory and fake news.

The events will take place on Thursday 8 June, from 7 p.m. onwards, in the auditorium of the Public Library and Historical Archive of Maó.