The government launches a scholarship programme for candidates to help with the costs of their preparation and to help attract talent and remove socio-economic barriers.

Jun 4, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

 The grants will amount to 7,000 euros and are aimed at those preparing for civil service examinations in the
General State Administration attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration.

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Scholarship programme for candidates

Scholarship programme for civil service examinations
 A forthcoming call for applications will establish the requirements for accessing the grants, which will be managed by the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP).
National Institute of Public Administration (INAP)

 The purpose of the grants is to promote a level playing field among civil servants by removing obstacles that hinder access to these careers.
that hinder access to these professional careers, in line with the provisions of Article 9.2 of the Constitution.

The Ministry of Finance and the Civil Service has approved a Ministerial Order launching a scholarship programme
aimed at candidates for the competitive examinations of the General State Administration Corps and Scales, which will be used to defray the expenses derived from the
preparation for the selective tests.
It is an initiative endowed with up to 7,000 euros gross per applicant, which seeks to support young people who want to
7,000 gross per applicant, which aims to support young people who want to develop their professional careers in the public sector and which will serve to attract talent. This implies financial support and a commitment by the State to equality among all applicants by eliminating socio-economic barriers.

This plan, which will be managed by the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), is based on improving the conditions for thousands of applicants to take part in public
thousands of applicants, who do not have the resources or the time available to them to compete for a place in bodies and scales that require a high level of training.
and scales that require long and exhaustive preparation.

In addition to studying the syllabus, in most of these competitions, it is necessary to have one or several preparers for
the same. A figure that serves to guide the study and help to achieve the objective.

Economic resources are essential for accessing this full preparation, without which it can be much more difficult to obtain good results in the selective tests.
results in selective examinations. For these reasons, the first objective of this scholarship programme is to put an end to the limitation of access to these careers and corps for those who come from low-income backgrounds.
and bodies for those from disadvantaged socio-economic positions.

This is in line with the principles of equality, merit and ability that underpin access to the civil service. And by this it
the mandate of Article 9.2 of the Constitution, which obliges the public authorities to remove obstacles that prevent or hinder the conditions of equality between individuals.
conditions of equality between individuals.

Attracting talent
Attracting talent is another of the plan’s objectives. Especially in those branches and scales of the NSA, which usually require more dedication due to the complexity of the work carried out by public employees in these areas.
public employees in these areas.

This means ensuring that the socio-economic situation does not prevent potential public servants from accessing the professional career they are interested in.
a career that is of interest to them. In short, promoting the vocation for public service among socio-economic sectors that have traditionally been distanced from the civil service. A scholarship programme such as the one being promoted is key to this end.