The ONA Project’s gymkhana for equality is back

Jun 5, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

More than 200 fifth and sixth-year primary school pupils will enjoy this activity in the Sa Sivina Park in Punta Prima.

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ONA Project’s gymkhana

This June sees the start of a new edition of ONA Outdoor, a gymkhana for gender equality aimed at fifth and sixth-year primary school pupils, organised by the Sports Service of the Island Council of Menorca through the ONA Project.

In this edition, around 240 students will enjoy a circuit of tests whose main objective is to promote gender equality in the field of sports among children, as well as to promote values such as cooperation, teamwork and trust.

The schools taking part in 2023 are CC San José, CEIP Mateo Fontirroig, CEIP Virgen del Toro de Es Mercadal, CEIP Doctor Comas Alaior and CEIP Sa Graduada. Some of them repeat as a result of the success and enthusiasm that this activity arouses among primary school students, who enjoy physical activity in a natural environment such as the park of Sa Sivina de Punta Prima while they learn important values in sport and in life while playing.