The Consell d’Eivissa improves its electronic headquarters to make it more inclusive, guaranteeing its accessibility to different collectives

Jun 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of Innovation of the Consell Insular de Eivissa has made improvements to the electronic headquarters with the aim of making it more inclusive and, in this way, guaranteeing its accessibility to different groups. In addition, changes have been made to simplify administrative procedures in order to offer a more agile and efficient site to users.

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Electronic headquarters

In order to offer citizens a more convenient and accessible experience, a series of updates have been made to the electronic office:

Renewal of the interface in the procedures engine: The Electronic Headquarters of the Consell de Eivissa has been renovated with a modern and user-friendly interface. Users will be able to complete their procedures easily and navigate through the different sections intuitively, making it easier to find the necessary information.
Improvements in accessibility to the E-Office: The platform now complies with web accessibility standards, allowing equal use for all users and adapting to any electronic device.

In short, the changes introduced by the Department of Innovation in the E-Office simplify and speed up administrative procedures, contribute to removing some of the barriers that hinder interaction with the public administration and improve the quality of the services offered.