The Government organises a conference in the Llevant de Mallorca to raise awareness of the European funds for housing rehabilitation

Jun 6, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Government of the Balearic Islands, through the Directorate General of Housing and Architecture, has organised a series of information sessions to explain the Next Generation EU funds for housing rehabilitation.

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Conference in the Llevant de Mallorca

During this week, technicians specialising in these subsidies will explain each of the options available and the steps to follow in order to benefit from them.

The cycle starts today June 5 and ends next Friday, June 9, and will visit the following municipalities:

-Monday 5 June at 6 p.m. in the Sa Màniga Auditorium, Cala Millor.
-Monday the 5th of June at 8 p.m. at the Espai Cultural Centre, Sant Llorenç
-Tuesday 6th June at 7 p.m. Can ses Monges , Son Carrió
-Wednesday 7th of June at 7 p.m., Casal de Cultura Can Garau, Sencelles
-Thursday 8th June at 7:30 p.m., Casa de Cultura, Felanitx
-Friday the 9th of June at 20:00 h, Casal de Cultura Son Ciurana, Ariany

These information sessions are open to all citizens and will serve to publicise the different aid programmes for the energy rehabilitation of buildings and homes, which can cover up to 80% of the cost of the actions and entail significant tax benefits.

At these conferences, technicians from the Directorate General for Housing and Architecture will present the different existing lines and explain what they are, who can apply for them and how to do so. In order to provide a more personalised service, they also answer any questions that attendees may have and resolve any doubts that may arise.

The Rehabilitation Offices

In order to facilitate procedures for citizens, the Government has set up the Rehabilitation Offices. This is a one-stop service through which citizens can find out about existing aid. They also serve to guide, coordinate and help with the processing of subsidies free of charge. As an essential step, these offices of the professional associations issue a prior report, which is necessary to be able to process the application for subsidies.

Citizens who wish to make an appointment for their attention, either by telephone or in-person, can do so via the website The aim is to speed up the necessary procedures to be able to obtain the European subsidies, the application period for which ends on 1 September 2023.

The calendar of information days

Throughout the month of June and until the deadline for applications for subsidies ends on 1 September, technicians from the Directorate General for Housing and Architecture will continue to visit the municipalities of the Islands. Those interested in finding out the details of each of the information days can consult the Housing Refurbishment website: