Inca earmarks 90,000 euros in aid for textbooks

Jun 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On 16th August, the deadline for the submission of applications for grants for the purchase of textbooks or replacement material for the school year 2023/2024, called by the City Council of Inca, will begin. This year, again, the consistory of the capital of Raiguer allocates a budget item for this line of aid of 90,000 euros, after the 50% increase in 2020.

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“As every year, with this grant that we call before the start of the academic year, we have the commitment and the objective of helping families in Inca with children of compulsory school age who have financial difficulties to cope with the expense of acquiring textbooks and school supplies,” explains the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

For her part, the Councillor for Education, Helena Cayetano, points out that “we are at the families’ side when it comes to carrying out the administrative procedures for applying for the aid. We try to simplify the bureaucracy and make the requirements more flexible when submitting the documentation, in order to ensure that no one is left without the subsidy due to administrative issues”.

Thus, families in the Inca with children of compulsory school age who have financial difficulties in meeting the cost of textbooks or replacement materials can apply for this aid. The procedure for awarding these regulated subsidies will be competitive. Therefore, the budget earmarked for this line of subsidies will be distributed among all accepted applications, without ever exceeding the maximum amount of €200 per pupil.

The deadline for submitting applications will remain open until 17 October. The terms and conditions of the call for applications for subsidies for the purchase of textbooks or replacement material for the 2023/2024 school year can be consulted here: -sustitutorio-2023-2024