The signing of the act of commencement of the works for the extension of the UIB-Parc Bit metro line.

Jun 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The execution period is 12 months in the Balearic Islands.

This morning, Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (SFM) and the construction company, the UTE Metro Parc Bit, signed the act of commencement of the construction project for the extension of the UIB-Parc Bit metro line. The works, which have a planned completion period of twelve months, can now begin.

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UIB-Parc Bit metro line

On 9 March last, the SFM Board of Directors awarded the works contract for the extension of line M1, from UIB station to Parc Bit, to the COMSA-TECSA-MAB-COEXA joint venture for 28.9 million euros, VAT excluded. Subsequently, on 5 May, the awarded contract was signed; and today, with the signing of the commencement act, it is confirmed that, after the stakeout on the ground, the works to be executed are in line with the project, which confirms its viability. There is also full availability to be able to occupy the land necessary for the execution of the contracted work, while no additional conditions have been detected that could interfere with the start and normal development of the works.

This project is part of the Sectoral Master Plan for Mobility of the Balearic Islands, is included in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and is financed by the European Next Generation funds. The extension of the metro line to Parc Bit aims to promote public rail transport as an alternative to the private car and thus facilitate the arrival of workers to this technology park. When it comes into operation, it will be possible to go from the University of the Balearic Islands to Parc Bit in two minutes – fifteen minutes from the centre of Palma – with a 1.4-kilometre route, which will run parallel to the north of the access road to Parc Bit from the UIB for one kilometre and then turn off to the south to reach the south car park of Parc Bit, where the station will be located.