The Victory Camp will host nearly 10,000 children and young people in the Balearic Islands this year.

Jun 7, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ An increase of 1,300 more young people than last summer is expected.

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Victory Camp

\ Santiago, Carrió and Lliteres have checked that everything is ready for the start of the summer season.

The councillor for Social Affairs and Sports, Fina Santiago, together with the director general for Children, Youth and Families, Marta Carrió, and the director of the Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE), Tià Lliteres, visited the facilities of the La Victoria camp in Alcúdia today and met with the staff to discuss the start of the summer season.

In a few days, the high season begins at the Victoria camp, which is managed by the Department of Social Affairs and Sports, through IBJOVE. July is when occupancy always reaches its maximum and this year it will be 99.50%. But for weeks now the facilities have been experiencing the intensity of the days leading up to the summer season.

This summer, until the end of September, 9,998 children and young people will pass through the facilities (April 896, May 2,406, June 3,475, July 1,490, August 1,182 and September 549), while last summer there were 8,698, for a total of 23,895 stays.

Calendar of activities

From April to June, the activities for educational centres have mainly taken place, with around one hundred.

It is from the end of June onwards that the summer camps begin, organised both by the Consell de Mallorca (end of June and all of July) and by different entities of educational leisure time, whether they are plays, scouts, educational leisure companies, educational centres, youth associations, etc.

The educational leisure activities carried out at the Victoria camp promote education in values and healthy habits in a non-formal educational environment.