A total of eleven town councils join the Govern’s unified process of competitive examinations for local police officers, with 35 places.

Jun 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of eleven town councils in the Balearic Islands have joined the Government’s unified competitive examination process for local police officers, delegating the implementation of this process to the Councillor for the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, through the Balearic School of Public Administration (EBAP). This represents a total of 35 vacancies. This was explained today at a press conference by the acting councillor for the Presidency, Civil Service and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, who was accompanied by the managing director of the EBAP, María del Carmen Iglesias.

Town councils

Garrido explained that “in total, we have trained 530 local police officers, 140 of them women, and the system of delegation of powers is also proving effective so that the smaller town councils do not have to take on a slow and costly process”.

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Specifically, the town councils that have delegated their competencies are Ciutadella, with 7 places; Maó, with 6 places; Son Servera, with 5 places; Manacor, with 4 places; Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, with 4 places; Santa Maria del Camí, with 4 places; and Muro, Alaró, Fornalutx, Santanyí and Sineu, each with 1 place, respectively.

The objective is that in the second half of the year, the competitive examinations can be held and, in the first half of next year, the training courses, which will provide continuity to the training of local police officers that began in 2022, in which 26 town councils delegated their competence, which meant a total of 133 places.

Specifically, the selection process is unique for each island. Now, the next step will be the publication of the rules and the announcement of the selection process.

The competitive examination will consist of a physical aptitude test, a multiple-choice knowledge test and a psycho-technical and personality test. Once they have passed the selection process, applicants will take the training course, which is essential for access to the local police category.

The Regional Minister of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, by Resolution of 26 April 2023 (BOIB no. 56, of 2 May 2023), initiated the procedure to assume responsibility for these selection processes, which ended on 16 May.

Article 188 of Decree 40/2019, of 24 May, which approves the framework regulations for the coordination of the local police forces of the Balearic Islands, refers to the cooperation between the Administration of the autonomous community and the local entities, within a framework of cooperation, establishes the possibility that the competent councillor for the coordination of local police forces, through the Balearic School of Public Administration, assumes the competence delegated to it by the local entities to call and manage all or part of the selective processes to fill vacancies in the police category of the local police corps and police posts in the town councils that have not set up a local police corps. It should be recalled that in June 2022 the regulations were amended to streamline the selection and training of new recruits.

Police tutor and road safety education programmes

In the 2021-2022 academic year, the Tutor Police Programme has provided services to some 250 schools in the Balearic Islands and 80,000 pupils, with 58 municipalities participating and 82 agents carrying out these functions (31 full-time and 51 part-time). Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, the agents carried out some 5,500 actions in the Balearic Islands in all areas (schools, family, ICT and public roads).

As for the Road Safety Education Programme, 58 town councils joined last year (45 in Mallorca, 7 in Menorca, and 6 in Eivissa and Formentera), it served more than 70,684 users and involved 94 road safety officers.