Inca City Council and AMADIBA renew the collaboration agreement for the day centre.

Jun 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Association, which has been serving the entire Raiguer region since 2005, has had second municipal premises in Castell de Bellver Street since 2018.

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Inca City Council

The City Council of Inca and the Association of Mothers of the Disabled of the Balearic Islands (AMADIBA) have signed a collaboration agreement for the transfer of the use of a municipal space. Present at the signing ceremony were the mayor, Virgilio Moreno; the councillor for Participation, Andreu Caballero; and the president of the organisation, Elvira Jiménez.
“As long as it is in our hands, Inca will always support all entities and associations that play such an essential role in our society and offer vital services to citizens. Our aim is to be on the side of the citizens of the Inca, offering them the vital services they need. That is why we will help AMADIBA to develop its activity in the region of Es Raiguer”, highlights Moreno.

Thus, thanks to this new agreement, the consistory renews until the year 2025 its concession of the two premises that it had already ceded to the Balearic association and which are located in Castell de Bellver Street, to be able to continue developing its activities in the capital of Es Raiguer.

AMADIBA runs in our city and in the region, a project consisting of providing comprehensive care service to families of members with disabilities, basically aimed at leisure and family support. Specifically, the association has set up a day centre in these facilities, the ESPACIO CÍNAMON, which provides comprehensive physical health, psychological and communicative care to people with disabilities from the age of 16.

“From the Inquer consistory, we have always valued very positively the essential work carried out by AMADIBA in our city and surrounding municipalities. For this reason, we have not hesitated to renew our collaboration agreement with them, in order to maintain the cession of both premises”, explains Caballero.

It should be known that AMADIBA is a non-profit organisation, created in 1995, which was born with the aim of supporting families so that their lives can continue like that of any other family that does not have a dependent child in their care. The entity offers a network of services, day and residential, of support to people with disabilities and services of family conciliation and technical orientation.