Son Llàtzer University Hospital launches a home hospitalisation project in psychiatry, in the Balearic Islands

Jun 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Psychiatry Service of the Son Llàtzer University Hospital has launched a home hospitalisation project, with the aim of offering assistance, diagnosis and treatment to people with acute mental health problems in their own environment.

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Son Llàtzer University Hospital

It is a programme currently run by a psychiatrist, Julia Rodríguez, who offers care, diagnosis and treatment at home to people with acute mental health problems, through intensive monitoring until the crisis situation is resolved.

The aim is to achieve clinical stabilisation of acute episodes of psychiatric origin which, due to their complexity or severity, cannot be treated in other less intensive treatment facilities. This facilitates the patient’s recovery in their environment and improves the quality of care and comfort in the complex stages of treatment.

It also allows the family to be more actively involved in the care, being able to accompany the patient throughout the recovery process. In this way, it improves their understanding, knowledge and ability to care for and accompany the patient.

This initiative aims to contribute to the humanisation of mental health care, offering treatment in the least restrictive environment possible without removing the patient from their environment. In this way, the stigmatisation suffered by people affected by mental disorders is reduced.