The Consortium celebrates World Environment Day with an open day in Milan, Menorca

Jun 8, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The celebration will feature guided tours of the waste treatment plant, children’s activities and live music, and will be the opening event of the Re Sí Clar awareness campaign organised with Ecoembes and Ecovidrio.

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World Environment Day

The Waste and Energy Consortium of Menorca is once again celebrating World Environment Day with an informative day at the Milan Waste Management Area facilities. The event will take place on Sunday 11 June and will focus on the correct separation and management of waste on the island, as well as the environmental benefits it brings. Guided tours of the mechanical-biological treatment plant and various children’s activities will be organised, complemented by live music and a tasting of local products from Menorca.

The event will serve to kick off the awareness campaign promoted annually by the Consortium in collaboration with Ecoembes and Ecovidrio, which this year will focus on good recycling practices with the claim Re Sí Clar, always separate and recycle, it’s very clear!

Guided visits to Milan

One of the objectives set by the Consortium in terms of dissemination is to raise awareness of the new facilities of the Milan mechanical-biological treatment plant among the citizens of Menorca. Inaugurated just over a year ago, the plant currently has state-of-the-art machinery for the specific treatment and preparation for recycling of the fractions of light packaging, paper and cardboard, glass, residual fraction and organic matter, making it possible to recover up to 70% of the residual fraction for recovery and 90% of the packaging fraction, reducing by 30% and 10%, respectively, the amount of waste destined for landfill.

In addition, the new facilities allow the production of compost from the organic fraction and pruning waste collections, have a leachate treatment plant for leachate generated in closed and operating landfills, as well as an incinerator for animal waste.

By explaining how to work with each of the waste fractions that arrive at the plant, the public will have a better understanding of the need to improve and better implement the separation of waste at source.

Playful awareness-raising activities

For the youngest children, various activities have been organised around recycling and the correct separation of waste during the day. The Sa Xaranga collective will be in charge of livening up the games during the day and providing each of the children attending with a gift. In addition, the children who attend will be able to participate in the completion of a mural on waste management designed by the illustrator Joan Puig, who will finish the work with those who want to help him.

To accompany the activities, the day of celebration of World Environment Day in Milan will feature music and local produce from Menorca, with a performance by the Juke Box Band of 80s tributes and the gastronomic offer of Baixavan.

Re Sí Claro!

The event is organised as part of the awareness and communication campaign promoted annually by the Waste and Energy Consortium together with Ecoembes and Ecovidrio to promote good recycling practices. This year, local artists have collaborated in the recording of a jingle about recycling that will accompany the campaign throughout the summer.