Inca City Council renews its agreement with SECOT for the development of a business consultancy programme

Jun 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Inca City Council and the Spanish Seniors Association for Technical Cooperation (SECOT) have renewed their collaboration agreement with the aim of contributing to the creation of new economic activities and the consolidation of the city’s business fabric. The event was presided over by the mayor, Virgilio Moreno, and the association’s representative, Ricardo Moreno. The signing was also attended by the Councillor for Innovation and Enterprise, María José Fernández.

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“The aim of the renewal of this collaboration agreement with SECOT is to continue expanding the entrepreneurial culture in our city and to continue promoting the creation and consolidation of new business projects. As we have been doing until now, we also aim to promote quality employment with a future in Inca”, explains Mayor Moreno.

Thus, with this new agreement, SECOT offers the City Council of Inca its team of experts to provide support and advice for technical assistance services and training in different programmes that are launched. Thus, the association supports entrepreneurs, freelancers and business groups, through mentoring or tutoring processes to improve their activity in the areas of organisation, marketing, production or financing, among others.

“Advice and training are two essential aspects when it comes to creating a company and consolidating its business. That’s why the Inquer council will always give the support that entrepreneurs and self-employed people in our city need to get their business project off the ground and accompany them throughout the process,” says councillor Fernández.

Over the last few years, SECOT has developed a complete programme for the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in the educational world of Inca. In this sense, it has contacted all the training centres, possible recipients of these actions, in the city, with the interest of making known the diversity of the range of actions that the City Council makes available, all taking into account the diversity of ages, starting with primary school with the promotion of social and business values, and ending with Vocational Training, as professional orientation for the first contact with the world of work.

On the other hand, SECOT also currently provides support and tutoring services to entrepreneurs and new business people. The aim of this initiative is to provide entrepreneurs with sufficient information and training to make decisions regarding the start-up of their business project, in order to achieve maximum guarantees of success.