SFM now has a new warehouse at Enllaç station, in the Balearic Islands.

Jun 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Work has now been completed on the new railway warehouse that has been built at Enllaç station. It is a new facility that will be used as a spare parts warehouse for the maintenance of the electrification installations.

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As a result of the commissioning in 2019 of the new installations associated with electrification, which means that the number of these installations has almost doubled, it has been necessary to increase the level of stocks of spare materials, especially those needed to deal with possible incidents.

To date, these materials are mostly stored at the company’s premises in Son Rutlan and, to a lesser extent, at other locations. Given the refurbishment of SFM’s workshops to adapt them to the needs and new trains that have been acquired, it was decided to build this new warehouse in order to move the materials that will no longer fit in the Son Rutland facilities and, incidentally, to increase this storage capacity.

The new warehouse has features specially designed for the function for which it is intended. It is a warehouse with dimensions specially designed to be able to introduce and organise the electrification materials, with a single door and no openings at street level which, together with the cameras and access control, will allow these spare parts to be managed and guarded correctly and efficiently.

The location at Enllaç station is optimal from the maintenance point of view due to its location in the middle of the railway network, which minimises the time required to access maintenance materials in case of need, and also due to the accessibility of the new facility both by track and by road.

In the same action, SFM has taken the opportunity to restore two structures that were built at the same time as the rest of the Enllaç station buildings, in 1878, following the project designed by Eusebi Estada. These are a gyratory and a fossat de picar foc, which are the only ones that have been preserved in the entire railway network of Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (Mallorca Railway Services). The pit was the place where the ashes and slag from the locomotives were thrown. The turntables were used to change the direction of the train and were usually found in the terminal stations. They were circular spaces where the turntable was placed, which allowed the direction of the train to be changed. After removing the vegetation, the structures were completely cleaned, especially the interior, and the most damaged parts were consolidated, using the same construction materials that were installed using the same technique.

It should be noted that three informative panels have also been installed to provide information on the history of the Enllaç station and on these unique pieces of Mallorca’s railway heritage.

The project is included among those envisaged in the current Balearic Islands Sectorial Master Plan for Mobility.

The work was awarded to the company Obras y Pavimentaciones MAN, S.A.O., for 516,446.29 € (VAT excluded) and has had a completion period of five months.