Mountaineers celebrate their patron saint on the Puig de Santa Magdalena, in the Balearic Islands

Jun 10, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Federación Balear de Montañismo y Escalada (FBM), the Sección de Montaña del Club Pollensa (SMCP) and the Grupo Excursionista de Mallorca (GEM), in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de Inca, are organising a day on the Puig de Santa Magdalena on the 18th of June. The purpose of this event is to celebrate Saint Bernard of Menthon, the patron saint of mountaineers.

Puig de Santa Magdalena

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Thus, the participants will gather at 4 a.m. in front of the slaughterhouse in Inca to start the night walk to the mountain of Santa Magdalena at 4.30 a.m. and watch the sunrise at the summit. It is estimated that the mountaineers will reach the Cruz de Muchacho at 06:00.

Afterwards, at 07.00 hours, a solemn mass will be celebrated in honour of St. Bernard of Menthon officiated by Mn. Pedro Orpí, in the chapel of Santa Magdalena. The day ends with a snack on the esplanade.

The deadline to sign up and participate in the day is Thursday 15th June at 23:59 hours. Those interested can register here:

The presentation ceremony of the San Bernardo de Menthon 2023 festival was attended by Xisco Fanals Reynés, president of the Balearic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing; Tomeu Porcel Pons, president of the Grupo Excursionista de Mallorca; Nino Moreno and Aina Fornés, vice-president and member of the board of directors of the Mountain Section of the Pollença Club; Juan Carlos Palos y Nadal, representing Benigno Palos y Vadell (1912-2005), founder of the Mallorca festival in 1952; as well as the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno; and the councillor for Participation, Andreu Caballero.

In 1952, Benigne Palos i Vadell discovered from an article published in the newspaper La Vanguardia that mountaineers had a heavenly patron saint, Saint Bernard of Menthon, which is commemorated every 15th June. He then had the idea of organising a mass to celebrate it every year. Since then, all the mountaineers meet every year on this date at a different peak in the Tramuntana mountain range and at other heights in Mallorca.