The call for aid from the Government for insurance for volunteer organisations doubles the number of applications compared to last year in the Balearic Islands.

Jun 10, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Up to 30 organisations have applied for the Government’s grants in 2023, almost twice as many as in 2022 and more than three times as many as in 2020, when this call for applications was first launched.

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Call for aid from the Government

The call for applications for grants offered by the Government to volunteer organisations to cover the cost of insurance for volunteer staff closed this week with the registration of up to 30 applications.

This is almost double the number of applications registered in last year’s call for applications, which benefited a total of 19 organisations, and more than three times the number granted in 2020 when the Government first launched this line of aid to support volunteer organisations in their solidarity work and in which 9 organisations participated.

The aim of these grants, promoted by the Vice-Presidency of the Government and the Ministry of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democratic Memory, through the Directorate General for Participation, Transparency and Volunteering, is to promote the work of volunteer organisations already established and also to encourage the creation of new organisations.

The call allows volunteer organisations to comply with the provisions of Article 15.2.j) of Law 11/2019, of 8 March, on volunteering in the Balearic Islands, to have insurance to cover the risks and accidents to which volunteers may be exposed during the performance of volunteer activities, including possible civil liabilities to third parties.