Twenty sea turtle eggs from Mallorca are transferred to incubators.

Jun 10, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The rest will remain in the nest, which has ensured the viability of those that are fertile.

Sea turtle eggs

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After analysing the temperature of the sea turtle nest on the beach of Can Pere Antoni (Palma), the technical staff of the Species Protection Service and the Balearic Islands Fauna Consortium (COFIB) have concluded that the best option is to transfer 20 more eggs to the incubators of the Marine Research and Aquaculture Laboratory (LIMIA). The aim is to ensure, with higher temperatures than those of the sand, that the specimens that hatch are females, in coordination with the guidelines set out in the national strategy for the species.

Likewise, the remaining sixty eggs will remain in the nest on the beach, as this is a viable incubation. To slightly increase the temperature of the sand and maintain it throughout the incubation period, structures will be installed to improve insolation.

The COFIB has stressed the importance of being able to keep the nest on the beach, not only for the remaining specimens to survive, but also as an environmental education tool to raise awareness of the effects of climate change and how to act in the event of finding a sea turtle or a trace.

In this regard, it is important to remember that if a turtle is seen on the beach, no one should touch it or come within fifteen metres of it. Furthermore, they should not be photographed with a flash and the emergency number 112 should be called immediately so that the action protocol can be set in motion. Maximum caution and prudence is requested when publicising this type of event through social networks to ensure that the work is carried out under as little pressure as possible.

The COFIB has also stressed the importance of respecting the enclosures that protect the eggs and taking the utmost care of the nest. That is why it is requested that, in the event of witnessing any incident, it should be reported via 112.

It should be borne in mind that the breeding season for this species has just begun, so it is likely that more nesting attempts will be recorded. This is the sixth clutch recorded in the Balearic Islands. Of these, three have occurred on the island of Menorca and the other two on Eivissa.

The sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a species catalogued as vulnerable that usually breeds in the eastern Mediterranean and it was not until the beginning of the 21st century that it began to nest in the western Mediterranean, most likely due to the increase in sea temperature.

The Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory would like to thank the Palma Aquarium Foundation and Palma City Council for their collaboration throughout the process and management of the nest.