Inca pays tribute to sports clubs

Jun 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Mateu Cañellas Municipal Sports Centre is hosting a sports festival today to recognise and highlight the important work carried out by the municipality’s clubs and the good results obtained during the 2022/2023 season. “With this event, we want to show our support for the clubs and provide them with a space to showcase their disciplines. One of our main objectives in sports is to promote, enhance and diversify the practice of physical activity in our city; and that would be impossible without the clubs and the effort they make every day to promote sport at all ages,” says the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

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On the other hand, Moreno stresses that “we could not be prouder of the sporting talent we have in Inca, where more and more clubs and athletes, small and large, achieve great goals and are recognized far beyond the borders of our city, even outside Spain, setting the bar for the capital of Raiguer very high”.

Thus, the day, held in the Mateu Cañellas sports centre, began with a tribute to Inquer sport and recognition of all the city’s clubs. Throughout the day there were exhibitions and demonstrations of the different disciplines by the Inquer sports clubs. At the same time, there is also a fair where each club has a space to showcase its activities.

There will also be a children’s area with bouncy castles, games, workshops and aquatic bouncy castles, as well as a climbing wall and a road park run by the local police so that everyone can enjoy a day of leisure and sport. In addition, there will also be exhibition classes run by the City Council’s sports instructors.