Ports IB opens next Tuesday the period to book the low environmental impact buoys in the Balearic Islands

Jun 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This coming Tuesday 13th June you can apply for anchoring reservations for the low environmental impact buoy fields of the Balearic Islands Government.

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The low environmental impact buoys

PortsIB currently manages a total of 8 buoy fields, located at Cala Blava (Llucmajor, Mallorca), Sant Elm (Andraitx, Mallorca), Ses Salines (Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Eivissa), Caló de s’Oli (Formentera), S’Espalmador (Formentera), Bahía de Fornells (Es Mercadal, Menorca), Illa d’en Colom (Maó, Menorca), Formentor (Pollença, Mallorca). In total, they represent 256 anchorages, which can be booked from next Tuesday.

To make a reservation it is first necessary to register the boat in the system and its subsequent validation by PortsIB, once validated, you can make the booking process, hiring and payment of the stay.

List 7a vessels registered during 2022 will not need to register again. On the other hand, list 6a boats will have to validate the boat each time, as the booking and contracting must be done by the skipper who will be on board, never by the company that owns the boat, and the signed rental contract must be presented.

It should be remembered that the buoys can only be hired through the PortsIB website: https://reservas.portsib.es/boyaswebpublico, so it is recommended to validate the boat and make the reservation before sailing to the mooring field.

A number of new features have been introduced for this season. Firstly, the morning (10.00 to 14.00 h.) or afternoon (14.00 to 16.00 h.) vouchers and bathing vouchers must also be booked telematically on the same day you want to enjoy them.

Remember that the bathing vouchers are for boats of 12 metres or less.

Another new feature is that bookings with overnight stay can be made until 21h of the same day, in order to facilitate access to all users.
New rules have also been included in the conditions, such as the prohibition of jet skis over 3 knots, activities with nautical devices, loud music and the organisation of parties within the perimeter of the buoy fields.

Following the recommendation of the Posidonia Committee and in order to avoid possible spills and to promote service and rotation as much as possible, the maximum stay will be 3 days per field, having to wait at least 10 days to rebook in the same space.

The service of attention to the navigator in the buoy fields will be offered by personnel of the company CBBA, seconded by PortsIB personnel. You will find all the information about the buoys at https://www.portsib.es by going to amarraments/reservar/boyas.