The Environment will receive 250,000 euros from the state to promote climatic refuges for biodiversity in the Balearic Islands.

Jun 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The aim is to shelter or retain species in accordance with the changes that may occur due to the climate emergency.

The Environment

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The Sectoral Conference on the Environment agreed on Friday to transfer 250,000 euros to the Balearic Islands from the PIMA-Climate Refuges Plan to promote actions to protect biodiversity from the effects of the climate emergency.

The main objectives of the Plan are to promote protected areas as instruments for protecting biodiversity, identify climate refuges for biodiversity and propose interventions in these areas to preserve and improve their potential for conservation. The actions to be financed include:

  • Development of methodological designs for the identification of climatic refuges and micro refuges.
  • Development of technical studies aimed at the effective identification of climatic refuges of retention, as well as the application of specific measures of adaptation to the areas.
  • Development of technical studies aimed at the identification of climate shelters.
  • Development of technical studies aimed at identifying ecological corridors that reinforce the role of the identified refuges.
  • Work aimed at improving the functionality of identified climatic refuges, including the restoration of degraded areas potentially valuable for this purpose.
  • Dissemination, awareness-raising or signposting tasks related to corridors and refuges as a complement to any of the previous actions.

It should be remembered that climate refuges are understood to be those spaces which, under the different climate emergency scenarios, are or could become areas for hosting or retaining biodiversity.

The actions to be carried out with this budget must be developed within 48 months, counting from the day following notification to the Autonomous Communities of the resolution of the distribution approved by the Sectorial Conference.