The Menorca School of Public Health is celebrating its 34th edition this year

Jun 12, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

. The educational event will take place from 18 to 27 September at the Llatzeret in Maó and will feature an extensive programme that includes 10 courses and 13 working group meetings, which have been selected by the Academic Council from among all the proposals submitted by institutions and groups from the academic world, public administration, foundations, research networks, scientific societies and organisations from the health and social spheres.

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Menorca School of Public Health

The Menorcan event remains 34 years later as the only Spanish ‘summer’ School of Public Health, turning the Llatzeret into an important meeting point and exchange of knowledge and experiences between all the actors involved in public health in the country. Experts and health professionals will debate and reflect for 8 intense days on the fundamental principles of public health through a wide range of topics. The registration process is open from today via the website.


In this 34th edition, the School has a programme of 10 courses and a performative course workshop. After two years of prominence, COVID-19 and its effects on global health give way to an edition that places particular focus on community orientation and social determinants, with courses such as “Mental health: alone you can’t, with public health, yes”, “The challenge of working on nutrition in primary care: the need for group interventions and community orientation”, “Social determinants of the use of disruptive technologies for care and public health” or “Healthy cities for whom? An approach to urban planning from public health, health governance and social determinants”.

Qualitative and quantitative methodology, scientific dissemination and communication or the application of behavioural economics to improve health will also be included in the programme, which this year presents a new performative course workshop with innovative and participatory methodologies to raise awareness of gender-based violence through art. This course, held from 25 to 27 September, will culminate with a performance open to the public on 27 September in the Sant Antoni Exhibition Hall, as part of the Josep Miquel Vidal Colloquia. Humanism and Public Health will show the work carried out and the potential of this type of approach.

Meetings and working groups

During the 2023 edition, a total of 13 working group meetings will be held, some of which are repeats from previous editions. The physical activity and health conference organised by the Sports Medicine Office of the Consell Insular de Menorca is dedicating its tenth edition to childhood obesity, while the Institut Menorquí d’Estudis is promoting the meeting “Menorca as a laboratory for the integration of the social determinants of health in health practice”.

For its part, the Ministry of Health’s Subdirectorate General for Foreign Health will be leading a session on “The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lessons learned”, and the ESPACyOS Network (Health Ethics for Action, Care and Social Observation) will also be holding an internal meeting at the Llatzeret, as well as other working groups, such as the Research in Care group. The Menorca School of Public Health will also host a session on “Dealing with suicide in the elderly”, coordinated by the National School of Health and the Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health.

Institutional collaboration

The Menorca School of Public Health is the result of institutional collaboration between the Consell Insular de Menorca, the Conselleria de Salut i Consum del Govern de les Illes Balears and the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), along with the Institut Menorquí d’Estudis, which assumes the technical secretariat of this academic event, which has a loyal audience of students and professionals who participate in these academic meetings.