Margarida Arbona, president of the Association of Friends of the Elderly of Lloseta, “Social participation is a great opportunity to improve personal self-esteem and to increase personal relationships”.

Jun 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From Lloseta, we learn from Margarida Arbona, president of the Association of Friends of the Elderly, that there are many ways to participate in society: attending talks, joining a local organisation or signing up for volunteer programmes.

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Margarida Arbona

What is your short-term goal?
Our short and long-term goal is the same, that our members are happy with the activities.

The demographic changes experienced in recent years, the increase in life expectancy and the decrease in the birth rate have led to a very significant increase in the social weight of the elderly in our society.

This increase has been accompanied by a greater diversity of older people in terms of age, health and social status.

For this reason, we propose a series of activities and workshops to promote social participation as a great opportunity to improve personal self-esteem and increase personal relationships.

Why is physical exercise important in the second and third ages?
The practice of physical exercise in the elderly is very positive, given the benefits that this activity provides to all those who do it (regardless of their age), but also in view of the limitations and physical and mental problems that this group may suffer during this stage of their lives.

Where is the headquarters located and what should a person interested in becoming a member do?
We are in the centre located in Mossèn Andreu Llabrés Feliu Street, S/N.

To become a member it is necessary to inform a member of the Board. You must also pay the annual membership fee.

After finishing their working life, or even if they have not had a specific professional activity, older people have a lot of knowledge and experience to share with people who may need it. Promoting social participation

Aware of this, the Association is committed to the role of older people in society. For this reason, we organise activities in which they can get involved in solidarity, transmitting and sharing their experience, or helping the social integration of different groups in Lloseta.