The Consell closes the current term of office with 122 projects financed by European funds of the 155M€ it has managed to mobilise for Mallorca

Jun 25, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Cladera: “The main challenge facing this institution is not to lose a single euro of what we have achieved and to move forward with all the projects because they are a unique opportunity for this island”.

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The Consell

The acting President of the Council of Mallorca, Catalina Cladera, appeared today at a press conference to give an account of the latest management data about projects that have or will have funding from European funds.

Currently, and since the launch of the Office of European Funds of the Council of Mallorca in October 2021, the island institution has achieved European funding for 122 projects in Mallorca, including projects promoted by the island institution itself (60 projects) and municipal projects that have been coordinated and managed by the Office of the Consell (62 projects).

These 122 projects have already been approved for funding, to which must be added another 81 projects submitted and being processed, which will bring European funds to almost all of Mallorca and especially to the smaller municipalities, one of the objectives of the launch of the Office and a claim of the councils, since from the outset the Consell set out to get as many resources as possible for Mallorca.

President Cladera explained that, as a whole and through the Consell, 155 million euros of European funding has been mobilised in Mallorca, which will allow projects to be carried out for a total investment value of 248 million euros.

“These are very important figures that are three times the ordinary investment capacity of the Consell de Mallorca,” said Cladera, “and we cannot allow them to be lost in any way,” said the acting president, about the work done by the Consell’s European Funds Office and the opportunity that European funds represent to “continue advancing towards a greener, more inclusive and competitive Mallorca with better services for all through strategic projects like these”.

“The new government of the Consell must continue promoting this institution and not lose a single euro of what we have achieved, which means intensely managing every one of these opportunities for our island, as we have done until the last minute of the legislature,” said Cladera.

“The first challenge was to obtain resources and we have done so. The second is now up to the incoming government, and that is to move forward with all the projects with European funds, not to stop machines again, and there are no excuses because the resources exist and we are leaving a strong Council that is prepared to take them on. That is why, out of concern and responsibility, we will be vigilant to ensure that resources that already belong to all Mallorcan women and men are not given up,” said the acting president. Cladera said that the citizens of Mallorca deserve that the Consell de Mallorca and the town councils that have processed their projects through the Consell’s European Funds Office can move forward.

Of the 155M€ of European funds that the Consell has attracted for Mallorca, 102.6M€ correspond to projects promoted by the Consell de Mallorca and 50.5M€ to projects promoted by the town councils of municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants (and Alcúdia) with the help of the OFE of the island institution.