52,422 young people apply for the Bono Cultural Joven during the first week of its implementation

Jun 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

They will have a whole year from the date the voucher is granted to use the 400 euros, which they can spend on the cultural products, services and activities included in the programme and offered by the participating establishments, more than 3,000 of which are to be found throughout Spain.

Bono Cultural Joven

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Young people who have reached or will reach the age of 18 in 2023 must apply on the website www.bonoculturajoven.gob.es External link, which opens in a new window from 13 June to 30 September.

In just one week, 52,422 young people have applied for the Bono Cultural Joven, the second edition of which began on 13 June. As of this day, people born in 2005 can apply for the 400 euros intended to purchase and enjoy cultural products, services and activities. To apply, young people who have reached or will reach the age of 18 in 2023 must register and complete the application procedure on the website www.bonoculturajoven.gob.esEnlace, which opens in a new window until 30 September.

Those interested must first obtain one of three forms of digital identification: Cl@ve with essential registration (which can be requested and obtained by video call), Cl@ve External link, which opens in a new window with advanced registration (in person and for those who have not yet turned 18) or the digital certificate external link, opens in a new window. Young people interested in applying for the Bono Cultural Joven can do so in person or through the representation of an adult, for which it is necessary to attach the representation form that can be downloaded from the website, and correctly signed by the beneficiary and the representative. In these cases, the family book is not a document accrediting representation.

The programme is open to young people aged 18 with Spanish nationality, as well as foreigners who are legally resident in Spain, asylum seekers, temporarily displaced persons or foreigners formerly under guardianship who are in the process of obtaining a residence permit.

With regard to the Bono Cultural Joven, once the aid has been granted, beneficiaries have one year to use the 400 euros for cultural products or services in participating establishments, of which there are already more than 3,000 throughout Spain.

The Bono Cultural Joven works with a prepaid card that beneficiaries can have in virtual format on their mobile device or in physical format, which they will receive at home or at the address indicated on the application form. With this card, you can enjoy cultural experiences and products, which are divided into three tranches to encourage diversification between the different cultural sectors, with the following distribution:

100 euros for physical products, e.g. books, press or records.

100 euros for digital products, such as digital press, podcasts, online video games and virtual platforms.

200 euros for living arts: theatre, opera, cinema, dance, museums or bullfighting shows.

The aim of the Ministry of Culture and Sport with this initiative is twofold: on the one hand, it shows the interest of a broad spectrum of the young Spanish population in culture, which this initiative helps to build loyalty as a public and cultural consumer for the future; and, on the other hand, it offers additional support to the cultural sector to recover from the crisis.

Call for applications 2023

On 20 March, the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Minister of Culture and Sport, Miquel Iceta, approved the Royal Decree regulating the Bono Cultural Joven for 2023, which has a budget of 210 million euros in the General State Budget. In addition, the selection of the collaborating entity for the facilitation and management of the means of payment of the aid programme is being processed. In 2022, the first year of this initiative, a total of 277,554 people throughout Spain obtained the Bono Cultural Joven, 56.68% of the estimated population.