Aid for the recruitment of young people PICE

Jun 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Chamber of Commerce of Mallorca offers companies in Mallorca a total of 50,000 euros in direct aid for hiring young people within the framework of the PICE Programme.

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Recruitment of young people

A maximum of 10 grants are foreseen, for an amount of up to 5,000 euros for each of them. The same company may apply for up to 2 grants (maximum: €10,000) within the framework of this call.

The objective of this call is to promote job creation through the recruitment of beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System. The action is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative through the Youth Employment Operational Programme approved for the period 2014-2020.

Requirements for companies to apply for the hiring aid:
Work centre in Mallorca.
The contract must be in force at the time the application is submitted. Likewise, no more than 6 months must have elapsed between the entry into force of the contract and the date of submission of the application.
The contract must be formalised with people who, on the start date of the contract, are beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System and have completed the core training within the Training Plan of the PICE Programme.
The subsidised contracts are permanent contracts and temporary contracts for 6 months. Contracts with people who have had an employment relationship with the beneficiary company in the 6 months prior to the formalisation of the contract submitted to the call for applications may not be subsidised.
Contracts must be full-time or full-time.
You can consult the complete rules and documents of interest at the bottom of this page, in the ‘Download documentation’ drop-down menu.

How to apply
Applications can be submitted electronically from Friday 23 June at 9 a.m. through our electronic headquarters until 21 July at 2 p.m. or until the budget is exhausted. Grants will be awarded in strict order of receipt.

If you have any doubts about the process, you can contact the training department at 971 71 01 88 (extensions 2229, 2236 or 2438).