The Orgullosamente Inca will include the cycle “Musas del destape a favor del Orgullo” (Uncovering Muses in favour of Pride).

Jun 26, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The renowned Spanish singer and actress Victoria Abril will visit the Cloister of Sant Domingo, on Wednesday 12 July, on the occasion of the presentation of her film “Felpudo Maldito”.

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The seventh edition of the Orgullosamente Inca, organised by the City Council of Inca and the Único Association, expands its programme year after year and this year will include the cycle “Musas del destape a favor del Orgullo”. As part of this special programme, three iconic films defending LGTBI+ rights will be screened and there will be an exhibition of the legendary magazine Interviu.
In this way, the cycle will include a series of film screenings, all in the Cloister of Sant Domingo. Firstly, on Monday 10 July at 8 p.m., the film Me siento extraña, directed by Enrique Martí Maqueda, will be shown. Then, on Tuesday 11th, it will be the turn of “Susana y el sexo”, directed by César Vallejo. The screenwriter of the film, Valeria Vegas, will be present at this film event.

Finally, on Wednesday 12th, “Felpudo Maldito”, by director Josiane Balasko, will be screened. The film series and the entire programme entitled “Musas del destape en favor del Orgullo” will be closed with the visit of the renowned artist Victoria Abril.

Victoria Abril is a Spanish actress and singer who has developed her career mainly in Spain and France, although she has also worked in other countries. In 1976 Vicente Aranda offered her her first important role, that of the transsexual teenager in “Cambio de sexo”. Throughout his career, he has worked with cinema greats such as Pedro Almodóvar, accumulating a filmography of more than sixty titles and various international awards.

In addition, as part of the “Musas del destape a favor del Orgullo” cycle, the exhibition “Intervive: la historia del colectivo LGTB a través de la revista más famosa de España” (Intervive: the history of the LGTB collective through the most famous magazine in Spain), by Valeria Vegas, will also be inaugurated on Tuesday 11 July at 8 pm in the Cloister of Sant Domingo. “The exhibition will include a review and compilation of articles from the magazine from the 70s until it disappeared about how the LGTB collective has been treated during all these years, because we believe it is very important to know where we come from, how it has happened and how far we have come”, explains the councillor for Fiestas, Antoni Peña.
Valeria Vegas is a journalist, writer, actress and scriptwriter, among others, who has always proclaimed herself as a feminist and activist for the rights of transgender people and the LGTBI+ collective.